Photo: B2Run in Berlin
The B2Run in Berlin is one of the absolute highlight events of the entire running series every year. With the Olympic Stadium, the B2Run in Berlin can call a unique location its home. But that's not all: with over 14,000 participants from 800 companies, the B2Run Berlin is also a gigantic running spectacle that is celebrated by participants and spectators alike.
In addition to the B2Run Berlin, 16 other company runs are organised throughout Germany as part of the German corporate running championships. As a real competitive runner, you have the chance to compete with the fastest of the fastest runners nationwide. The running course in Berlin is a short course, 5.8 kilometres long and runs around the grounds of the Olympic Stadium. However, due to the short distance, the B2Run is not only suitable for the fastest runners among you, but also for all those who still have some catching up to do in terms of fitness. All in all, the B2Run is also a team-building event that is all about having a great time together as a company.
5,8 km
Mid-September 2025
Run Type
Charity Run, Corporate Run
Special Features
Flat track, In the city, Many spectators
Olympiastadion, Berlin
If you need accommodation near the event, you will find a selection of hotels and vacation rentals here.
The information about this running event is based on data from the official website or was provided by the organizer. If this entry is no longer current, we would be pleased to receive a message with updated information!